Dr Veerle Rotsaert Female Plastic Surgeon London

Breast Augmentation Guide 2023: Everything You Need To Know


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Breast augmentation is a very popular operation for plastic surgeons in the UK and surgeons worldwide and for good reason. Breast Augmentation is performed differently by various plastic surgeons, and some have made breast augmentation surgery their speciality, like Dr Veerle Rotsaert. But with so many people searching for ‘boob job’ on the internet, the information about breast augmentation surgery can be overwhelming. As a result, we’ve put together everything you need to know about breast augmentation to answer all of your breast enlargement and implant questions so that you can understand the procedure better…

Firstly, let’s start with what breast augmentation means…

What is breast augmentation?

The meaning of breast augmentation is enlargement of the breast . This is usually done by inserting an implant beneath the breast to make it look larger. It will enlarge breasts that have always been small, but can also be used to fill out breasts that used to be larger. An example would be breasts that have emptied out, perhaps following pregnancy. Breast augmentation will reshape breasts to some extent. Breast augmentation can also be used to correct breasts that are of unequal size. Patients who have breast augmentation in London with Dr Veerle Rotsaert tend to be very pleased with the results.

Who is a good candidate for breast augmentation?

Most of the clients that Dr Veerle Rotsaert sees on a weekly basis fit into one of these three categories:

  • Women who have experienced lifelong issues with having a small chest
  • Women who wish to correct chest asymmetries
  • Women who want to reconnect with the way their bodies were before, following pregnancy, breastfeeding or weight loss

What is the best type of breast implant?

There are many different brands of breast implant, and different types within those. Each woman is different, and there is no one size fits all.

Essentially, there are two kinds of shape you will encounter during your consultation period – round or regular implants, and teardrop or anatomical implants. As the names suggest, round implants maintain a curvaceous, round shape whether you’re lying down or standing up. Teardrop implants are teardrop shaped and so they mainly add volume to the lower half, just like natural breasts.

One of Dr Veerle Rotsaert’s preferred options is the Ergonomix Motiva implants. This is a highly responsive implant that behaves very much like natural tissue. They hold their roundness when you’re lying down, and form more of a teardrop shape when you’re standing. The best of both worlds.

Choosing your implants:

There are two types of implants, made of silicone or saline.

Silicone implants are the most common type used in the UK. They’re less likely to wrinkle and feel more natural. However, they can spread into your breast and cause lumps.

Saline implants are more likely to fold, rupture or go down over time. If they do go down or rupture, the saline will safely be absorbed into your body.

You should discuss the pros and cons of your chosen breast implant with Dr Veerle Rotsaert, along with the size and shape of your implants and where they’ll be placed (behind the breast or behind the breast muscle).

How long do breast implants last?

Breast implants do not last a lifetime. It’s likely they’ll need to be replaced at some point.

Some women may need further surgery after about 10 years, either because of problems with the implants or because their breasts have changed around the implants.

Breast implants are not designed to last forever, but are regarded as a permanent or semi-permanent enhancement, and they have a lengthy “shelf life”. It’s good practice for implants to be removed or replaced roughly every 10-15 years. Depending on changes women may see in their bodies over the years, some like to revisit sooner than that.

However if after 1O years everything is still looking and feeling perfectly fine and your surgeon is still happy you can leave them as they are, just make sure you get regular check-ups.

What is the surgical procedure for breast augmentation?

After making an incision, the surgeon will separate your breast tissue from the muscles and connective tissue of your chest. This creates a pocket either behind or in front of the outermost muscle of the chest wall (pectoral muscle). The surgeon will insert the implant into this pocket and centre it behind your nipple.

The operation involves:

  • making a cut (incision) in the skin next to or below the breast
  • positioning the implant – either between your breast tissue and chest muscle, or behind your chest muscle (as discussed during your consultation)
  • stitching the incision and covering it with a dressing

The operation takes between 60 and 90 minutes.

You may be able to go home the same day, but may need to stay in hospital overnight if the operation was scheduled late in the day.

You’ll be given pain relief if you experience any discomfort afterwards.

Is breast augmentation surgery painful?

During the surgery itself, a local anaesthetic will be used on top of the general anaesthetic, so you shouldn’t feel a thing. As with any recovery from a surgical treatment, there will be a recovery period while swelling and bruising go down, and scars begin to heal. Any pain can be dealt with by prescription painkillers. The recovery period post-surgery is relatively quick, and there should be no future pain once this period is up.

Can I combine other surgeries at the same time as breast augmentation?

You can absolutely have other surgeries at the same time as  You may have come across the term “mummy makeover”. This is an increasingly popular route to regaining your pre-pregnancy body, in which a breast augmentation, liposuction and tummy tuck are performed in a single-stage procedure.

Pregnancy can lead to excess weight gain on the hips and thighs, a loss of volume in the breasts, and a loss of firmness in the tummy, all of which can be combined with a single day in surgery, and 4-6 weeks of recovery time. Genital reconstruction and C-section scar revision may also form part of this holistic transformation.

A fat transfer, sometimes known as a ‘fat graft’, is another popular accompanying surgery to a breast enlargement. Liposuction can be performed on areas with excess fat, which is then fat grafted to areas that are lacking in it, such as the face, breasts or bottom.

Will I lose feeling in my breasts after breast augmentation surgery?

Immediately following your surgery, you may experience a loss of feeling or sensitivity in the breast and nipple areas. It’s very rare that this will be a permanent change in your body. Sensation usually returns after a few weeks, or in some cases, months. Implants placed under the muscle have an even lower chance of causing sensation loss. Regularly massaging the area can help to stimulate nerve reconnection.

Will I have visible scars after breast surgery?

Breast augmentation scars Like they say: many roads lead to Rome, likewise many surgeons will use different approaches. Dr. V usually positions the scars within the fold under the breast, or the ‘inframammary fold’, so that they are hidden as much as possible. The sutures we use are dissolving sutures, so your body processes them naturally over time – no need for stitches. The scars left by breast implants do not run the whole length of the breast, and tend to be thin. Remember, scar healing is a process – scars can change colour over the course of the healing, and it may take up to 18 months before they reach their maximum diminishing point.

What is the breast enlargement surgery recovery time?

Correct downtime is super important for recovery, so Dr Veerle Rotsaert’s always says to “take as much time as possible!” At least six weeks’ rest is recommended following breast augmentation surgery, but if you work in a non-strenuous office job, or can get away with not lifting heavy objects around too much, you could get back to work in as soon as one week to ten days.

For physical jobs that involve pushing, pulling or lifting, it’s really important you take the full six weeks to allow your body to heal.

It’s also important to avoid strenuous exercise (e.g. weightlifting) entirely for six-eight weeks, and wear a sports bra day and night during this time.

You should be able to move around soon after having breast enlargement surgery.

How long does it take to fully recover from breast augmentation surgery?

It can take a few weeks to fully recover from surgery, so you should take a week or two off work. You should not drive for at least one week.

Avoid heavy lifting or strenuous exercise for at least a month.

After one or two weeks: Your stitches will be removed (unless you had dissolvable stitches).

After six weeks: You should be able to return to most of your normal activities. Your scars should also start to fade.

After a few months: Your breasts should start to look and feel more natural. You may be able to stop wearing your sports bra.

It’s safe to sunbathe and fly if you have breast implants.

Can you breastfeed after breast augmentation surgery?

Depending on the person, breastfeeding is entirely possible after undergoing breast augmentation surgery as the surgery itself does not affect the ducts or glands relating to milk production.

Breast augmentation surgery is a very safe and long-established practice but between recovery time, safety risks, and the different types of implants, it’s a big decision and operation. That’s why Doctor V recommends talking through everything with her in a bespoke consultation to make the right choice for you. For more information on breast augmentation surgery, contact us today!

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